Flowline Magnets
Flowline Magnets
HORSESHOE Flowline Magnets are positioned in a tailor-made frame, which fits the header box or flowline (or both). This provides a complete magnetic barrier across the full width and depth of the fluid path.

Made of stainless steel with a retractable magnetic piston.
Each magnet weighing only 4 kg.
The kit will be designed to fit into your flowline.
Easy to install and retrieve in the flowline or ditch. When collection of swarf is needed each lightweight magnet is pulled one at a time.
When retracting the magnetic piston the demagnetization and stopper plate will make the swarf fall off without touching it.
Eliminates or reduces metal in mud pumps.
Scrap the conventional heavy block magnet full of muddy metal swarf having to be lifted and mechanical cleaned.
Reduces risk of finger cuts and back injuries. Crew will not be exposed to mud. No time wasted on cleaning magnets.
Rigtools can provide rental of Horseshoe Flowline Magnets and brackets.
Standard brackets fit flowline sizes between 40-55 cm width.
A standard bracket can hold 3 Flowline Magnets.
We can custom make brackets to fit the rig's flowline construction, number of magnets on each bracket can also be adjusted.
A very good and much more simple way to position magnets in flowline. Significant simplification of spoon measurements. Handling the old type was circumstantial. The new ones are much cleaner – no mess. “New type of flowline magnets are very simple to clean. Great functionality. “We all agree the new flowline magnets performs very well !” “Everybody agrees they are easy to use and have a very good effect.” We used them when I was a Roughneck, and it worked like a charm. It was a quantum leap compared to the old, heavy and bulky magnets we used to have.Frank Lyngstad, Safety Officer -- EXXONMOBIL - WEST ALPHA
I still believe the ditch magnets are a great tool, they are one of the best replacements for that task I’ve seen. From the point of installation/use/effectiveness they are quality. They remove so many hazards for that task. Just lifting and cleaning the old block type magnets is a nightmare for anyone doing it. With your design, its done in ten minutes and no manual handling or mess, simple.Ken, Driller Assessor / Senior Toolpusher -- SHELF DRILLING
High Pressure Cleaners
High Pressure Cleaners
RIGTOOLS provide a range of High Pressure Cleaners. The machines are designed by RIGTOOLS using the best and most reliable components available on today’s market.

The units are tailor-made to match the end users specific requirements.
Capacity is typically from 100 Bar to 500 Bar. Non Ex as well as Ex rated. Non heated, heated or winterized. Mobile units or stationary, perhaps installed in an offshore cage. The units can also be designed to supply the distribution network or ring lines on rigs or ships.
The High Pressure Cleaners comply with all current regulations and requirements in the oilfield and for ships.
RIGTOOLS have developed High Pressure Cleaners specially designed to deliver required water flow and pressure to RIGTOOLS BHA Wash Tool, TYPHOON Wiper, COBRA DP Pipe Wash & Dope Tool and the MONSOON Shaker Screen Washer.
Highly reliable quality units will prevent downtime.
Service and maintenance is reduced to a minimum.
Using tailor-made HP Cleaners units always ensures the ideal capacity and results.
Mobile HP Cleaners
RIGTOOLS mobile units can be supplied be supplied both as EX and non EX rated.
In connection with the small units we can supply a RIGTOOLS Hot Box which produces hot water to feed directly into the small moblie unit. This is a very flexible and cost effective system which can provide cold or hot water for use in Ex and none Ex zones.